B. Braun Medical to Introduce Comprehensive Parenteral Nutrition Program at ASHP
BETHLEHEM, PA – B. Braun Medical Inc. will introduce its new Parenteral Nutrition 360 (PN360) program — designed to improve neonatal, pediatric and adult patient outcomes.
November 30, 2016 — B. Braun Medical Inc., a leader in customized nutrition, will introduce its new Parenteral Nutrition 360 (PN360) program — designed to improve neonatal, pediatric and adult patient outcomes — at this year’s American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) 51st Midyear Clinical Meeting.
“Our PN360 program unlocks a comprehensive, therapeutic approach to parenteral nutrition through our comprehensive offering of products, education, training and consultative services,” said Rick Williamson, Vice President of Pharmaceutical Marketing at B. Braun.
“PN360 is a team approach to help meet any facility’s parenteral nutrition admixing needs,” he said. “The program is more than individual in-house compounding, parenteral nutrition solutions and outsourced compounded products or services. It’s an earnest collaboration with pharmacists, physicians, nurses and dietitians to tailor nutritional therapy for their most critical patients, as well as help reduce medical errors, infections and re-admissions.”
From Dec. 5-7 in the Mandalay Bay Convention Center in Las Vegas, B. Braun representatives at booth #1655 will showcase the company’s new macro and micro APEX™ compounding system for facilities that need in-house compounding capabilities. Through its browser-based TPN Manager software, healthcare providers can enter parenteral nutrition orders at the patient’s bedside using an iPad or tablet. These orders are electronically transmitted to the APEX compounder, thereby helping to reduce manual programming errors, eliminate transcription errors, and expedite patient care.
B. Braun also offers a wide selection of amino acid formulations, standard solutions, and related additives, in containers not made with natural rubber latex, PVC or DEHP, to help clinicians provide safe, appropriate nutritional support for patients’ individualized needs. B. Braun was the first medical device manufacturer to remove harmful PVC and DEHP from many of its products. To learn more about B. Braun’s commitment to protecting people and the environment while improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs visit www.bbrauncares.com.
Another integral part of PN360 is Central Admixture Pharmacy Services, Inc. (CAPS®), a
B. Braun company — the nation’s largest network of outsourcing admixture pharmacies and a leader in customized parenteral nutrition. Nutrition Care Specialists will be at the booth to discuss B. Braun’s customized PN compounding offering, including local, same-day delivery with easy online ordering through CAPS.
Additionally at B. Braun’s booth #1655, representatives will demonstrate how the company’s robust portfolio of pharmaceutical and drug delivery products can help improve patient care:
PharmView application, DoseTrac® infusion management software and its second-generation, large-volume Infusomat® Space Pump, including its AutoCOMPLETE™ Integrated EMR functions (AutoProgramming, AutoDocumentation and AutoNotification).
OnGuard™ CSTD, a closed-system transfer device (CSTD) designed to protect healthcare workers from accidental exposure to hazardous drugs.
Meropenem in the company’s DUPLEX® container. This recent addition to B. Braun’s drug delivery portfolio expands the company’s intravenous antibiotic therapies via its DUPLEX container. The DUPLEX container saves time, labor, and speeds dispensing because it can be stored in an automated dispensing cabinet in healthcare settings.
About B. Braun
B. Braun Medical Inc., a leader in infusion therapy and pain management, develops, manufactures, and markets innovative medical products and services to the healthcare industry. The company is committed to eliminating preventable treatment errors and enhancing patient, clinician and environmental safety. B. Braun Medical is headquartered in Bethlehem, Pa., and is part of the B. Braun Group of Companies in the U.S., which includes B. Braun Interventional Systems, Aesculap® and CAPS®.
Globally, the B. Braun Group of Companies employs more than 56,000 employees in more than 60 countries. Guided by its Sharing Expertise® philosophy, B. Braun continuously exchanges knowledge with customers, partners and clinicians to address the critical issues of improving care and lowering costs.
To learn more about B. Braun Medical, visit www.BBraunUSA.com.