B. Braun is participating in the third edition of the High-Tech Founders Fund
B. Braun Melsungen AG continues its commitment to promoting young, high-potential technology companies and is also participating in the third edition of the High-Tech Founders Fund (HTFF).
With the High-Tech Founders Fund III, promising young start-ups from the life sciences and health care sector will be supported and financed. B. Braun has been involved for 13 years in HTFF II with an investment of 2.5 million euros.
"Working with the HTFF allows us to make contact with future-oriented and innovative start-ups, gain access to new technology ideas and learn new business models," says Prof. Alexander Schachtrupp, Chief Medical Officer and Senior Vice President Medical Scientific Affairs at B. Braun. "Start-ups and young founders, on the other hand, profit from our network and know-how, for example on topics such as company structure, organization and product launches," Schachtrupp adds.
With a planned volume of EUR 300 million, HTFF III was announced to more than 1,000 participants from business, politics and the start-up scene as part of Family Day 2017 last Wednesday. In addition to B. Braun, 25 other companies from industry and business as well as public partners such as the Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) and the KfW bank group are among the investors.
The Federal Government launched the HTFF program in 2005 to promote innovative ideas in young technology companies. It focuses particularly on young companies oriented to hardware engineering, life sciences, chemistry and material science, as well as software and Internet media. In addition to financial support, it focuses particularly on the exchange of know-how and networking. Since 2005, almost 500 participations have been received, around 1,200 follow-up financings by private and industrial investors with a volume of more than 1.4 billion euros have been completed and 75 exits realized.