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B. Braun and Dr. Meinrad Lugan recognized with GS1 Healthcare Award

B. Braun Melsungen AG wins the 2017 GS1 Healthcare Award in the category of "Individual Company;" B. Braun Management Board Member Dr. Meinrad Lugan is recognized for his extraordinary commitment in the category of "Entrepreneurial Personality."

Dresden. Amidst the festive atmosphere at the Dresden Royal Palace on September 4th, GS1 Germany awarded the GS1 Healthcare Award for the third time. The award recognizes the innovative capabilities and commitment of companies and personalities to patient well-being.

B. Braun was pleased to receive two awards. For its internationally pioneering role in the implementation of supply chain transparency and patient safety, the medical device and pharmaceuticals manufacturer received the award in the category of "Individual Company." B. Braun Management Board Member Dr. Meinrad Lugan was also honored for his extraordinary commitment in the healthcare economy, in the category of "Entrepreneurial Personality."

"We are very pleased about these awards," said Dr. Meinrad Lugan, B. Braun Melsungen AG Management Board Member for the Hospital Care and OPM Divisions. "Transparency, safe and efficient patient care and constructive communication with our customers and partners take the highest priority at B. Braun. Thereby, a balance of a high quality of caretaking and cost efficiency needs to be achieved," Lugan continued.

Patient safety and process optimization were also at the center of the jury's reasoning: B. Braun promotes the application of standards in global healthcare and optimizes processes in hospitals, medical practices and home care, said the jury. This contributes to an improved quality of life for patients and to better treatment outcomes. Award winner Dr. Meinrad Lugan, long-time B. Braun Management Board Member, chair of the industry association BVMed and Deputy Chair of the European umbrella association MedTech Europe, was also honored for his commitment and innovative solutions in the healthcare economy. The jury found that in order to protect and improve the health of people around the world, he sets standards in patient care and drives innovations in the healthcare economy.

GS1 Healthcare Award
The Healthcare Award stands for cooperative encounters and recognizes work that leads to increased patient safety and more efficient process design, thanks to collaborative drive between medical service providers and the industry. The GS1 Healthcare Award was awarded for the first time in 2015.