Vaccination Supplies: Warning against Fraud Attempts with Supposed B. Braun Products
Once again, individuals are attempting to abuse the coronavirus situation and distribute products necessary for coronavirus vaccination, such as syringes or needles, using counterfeit B. Braun business documents.
Customers and business partners from several countries have contacted us to have the authenticity of offers, offered products, and business documents verified. Unknown persons are increasingly taking advantage of the procurement situation for vaccination supplies and using fake offers to provide our customers with syringes or cannulas, which are ultimately not delivered, in exchange for advance payment. Business documents with forged signatures of B. Braun employees have also been sent to us.
We advise our customers to use their familiar contacts for the procurement of B. Braun products, to reassure themselves in case of doubt, and to contact B. Braun directly via our official channels ( in cases of attempted fraud. This serves to protect against such fraud attempts and helps us to be able to guarantee the delivery of safe and high-quality B. Braun products.