active at home as dialysis patient

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Exercises for dialysis patients – very simply at your home!

Physical activity is important and increases the life quality. Very short and simple exercises which are carried out on a daily bases or several times per week, already will work wonders and you will feel more vital and balanced.

We have prepared exercise clips for light physical activity at home for you. With motion pictures and text instructions you can inform yourself how to strengthen your muscular system in the correct way. Though, it is important to adjust sport and daily activity to your age and disease. Please start small and every once in a while increase your workout until you reach our advanced exercises.

Be active and feel good! 

Note: Especially for dialysis patients physical activity has a positive effect: Accompanying illnesses are being alleviated, sport is efficient against vascular calcification and lowers blood pressure, blood sugar and blood lipid levels. A series of health factors that you can have influence on. 

Please consult your attending physician before carrying out the exercises!

Exercise for the calf muscles and thight

Fitness Clips

  • Exercise for the hip flexor and knee extensors

    Strengthen your hip flexor and knee extensors. Try it in your living room at home!

  • Exercise for the knee flexor and hip extensors

    With this exercise you train your hip flexor and knee extensors easily while seated.

  • Exercise for forearm muscles

    Strengthen your arms as well! This exercise is easy to do.

  • Exercise for calf muscles

    Improve your motor skills! Stretching exercises can be performed at any time.

  • Exercise for lateral neck muscles

    Integrate this exercise in your ordinary routine, in the morning after getting up or at night before you go to bed.

  • Exercise for the back extensors and upper back muscles

    We show you how to strengthen your muscular system in the correct way. Try it!