A precious commodity: water
In the World Resources Institute’s Water Risk Atlas, regions suffering from water shortages are marked in deep red—including Spain and India, where B. Braun operates large production facilities. Water is not only the main component of our infusion solutions, but is also required for sterilization and cooling during production. Experts have been calling for a turnaround in water usage for years, they emphasize that the circulation of water plays a major role here. For B. Braun, this means paying special attention to the recycling of water in its production facilities.
„We apply a clear policy of environmental protection and are reducing as much as possible of our consumption of natural resources. With this plant we implemented processes to effectively recover water which has been identified as the significant resource on our production of IV solutions.“
Active water management and sustainable use
At the B. Braun site in Rubí, Spain, we feed water that is normally discharged into the sewer system after sterilization processes back into our production cycle and use this treated water for cooling processes. This enables us to save around 35 million liters of water every year, which is 17.5 percent of the total amount of water. At our plant in Bhiwadi, India, we treat wastewater in our own systems, which saves approximately 65 million liters of water every year. We use the majority of the treated water again right away in our production processes. We use the rest of the water to irrigate our green spaces to avoid the excessive consumption of fresh water.